Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ribbons from the Fair

I entered a few items in the State Fair this year. I wasn't going to as I thought I missed the deadline and didn't make anything special to enter. Chatting with a friend on Ravelry, I found out the deadline was pushed back. I scrambled and gathered a few projects together to enter. I went to the Expo where the items are on display and discovered I was awarded several ribbons! I'm happy with the results as I wasn't even planning on entering. Being competitive, I wish I could say they were blue ribbons, but they aren't. Just wait until next year, I already have several projects in mind to 'redeem' my highly 'anal retentive' perfectionist qualities I possess in regards to knitting. Here are the results:

Corazon mittens = white ribbon (3rd place)
Lady Eleanor Shawl = white ribbon (3rd place)
Monkey socks = red ribbon (2nd place)

I promise pictures are to come. I don't want to post as the fair hasn't opened yet (they let you view prior to the fair opening. The people that set up are so nice and understanding that waiting for results is similar to waiting to open presents on Christmas/your birthday.)

Yeah me!


Christy said...

Did you see any of my stuff????

Tonyia said...

Way cool! You're the first person I know who's actually exhibited in the state fair.

We went to the MN State Fair today, and it's so neat to see all the knitting.


Anonymous said...

Way cool! Can't wait to hear the judge's comments . . .
auntie j