Monday, April 30, 2007
If lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right....
I became tired of not finding any cool yarn in this one-yarn-store-town so I bit the bullet and ordered online. I know, risky. Don't remind me. However, this store is on the top of my list. Granted, when my friends remind me that I am knitting a $23 pair of socks, I get a bit queasy. I blame it on the dye fumes.
I won't take pictures until I'm working with it. I will however show you what I got via the online-pictures I ordered from. I must warn you, it will be hard to resist ordering a couple of hanks for yourself. If you fall victim to it's allure, don't worry, just drop me a line & I'll be happy to take it off your hands.
I got the yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. I picked Lagoon & Rolling Stone for my first purchase (medium weight). It will be hard not stopping the socks I am working on and starting on a new pair using one of the babies. I will just think of it as a reward for finishing another pair of socks.
Be strong, just be strong............
Take the Princess Bride Quiz
This is Hubby.......
Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti
How cute! It's like we're MFEO. (Am I making anyone puke yet?)
Friday, April 27, 2007
Something Fun
SCATTERGORIES. It’s harder than it looks! But Fun!
Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following…they MUST be real places, names, things…NOTHING made up!
If you can’t think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question and you can’t use a search engine… Now Go!
1. Your Name: Lisa
2. Famous singer/band: Lauper
3. 4 letter word: love
4. Street name: Lois Lane
5. Color: lavendar
6. Gifts/presents: lambs wool sweater
7. Vehicle: Lotus
8. Things in a Souvenir Shop: lucky pennies
9. Boy Name: Larry
10. Girl Name: Lanie
11. Movie Title: Lion King
12. Drink: Lemonade
13. An Occupation: Lawyer
14. Flower: Lilly
15. Celebrity: Luke Skywalker
16. Magazine: LIFE
17. U.S. City: Lincoln
18. Pro Sports Team: Lions (Detriot)
19. Fruit: Lemons
20. Reason for Being Late for Work: lost my watch
21. Something You Throw Away: lint
22. Things You Shout: LOOK!
23. Cartoon Character: Lumpy
I got this at ZenKnits
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Deadly Snake?!? (update)
I was knitting up a storm on the socks and feeling like I was making excellent progress. Funny thing about confidence, it has a way of making you feel all warm and snuggly then decides to start dating the milkman. I was working on the heel area of my sock and for some stupid reason, started following the directions for the toe decrease.
It was at that point I realized I had two options: a) bind my feet OR b) frog like nobody's business. I chose option b. Now I am at the EXACT same spot I was in the previous post. Being as frustrated as I was, I did the natural thing. I purchased two sets of addi 24" circulars and started a new pair of socks. Keep reading for future pic's of the socks. I'm holding off on posting so I don't jinx myself.....again.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Deadly Snake?!?
Cascade Yarn, Sassy Stripes
superwash 75% New wool, 25% Nylon
size 2 circular
2" k2, p2
the rest is knit in the round
Finished Socks!
Here are the beauties I finished over Easter weekend. I love going on weekend trips, nothing to do but sit in the car and knit. The tops are done in a basic k2, p2 on two size 2 circulars. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE knitting socks on circulars. It's lightening fast. Oh sweet addi turbos, my life was nothing before you showed up. Now only if I had another pair in size 1......
New Carpet
You can see the finished tile, new carpet, new paint (I'm still unsure about the color), and un-finished stairs.
Needless to say, I've taken another day off and am waiting for the carpet guy to show up. I probably wouldn't have minded a second day if he would have shown up on time on day one. I can handle slow work, I just can't handle slow work AND showing up almost two hours late. Tsk-tsk.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Trip to the LYS
I will give them credit, they try. However, I can't allow the fancy feathery, fall apart when you clean it eyelash yarn to count as yarn. So, (I will change the name to protect the innocent) Gobby Kobby, please increase the quality yarn and stop overindulging on the eyelash yarn. It's false eyelashes that are popular, not false yarn. Besides, don't they notice that they are constantly having a sale on eyelash yarn. Seriously.
Ok, apparently I have digressed. Where was I? Needles, that's right. The two craft stores try to say they have needles but really all they have are BOYLE needles. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of them which I still use to this date. With that said, has anyone else noticed how the point where the cable meets the needle is not the best, especially on smaller sized needles? I was using circulars to knit my socks to save time. However, when I used my BOYLES, it took more time because I was contstantly stopping and pushing all of the loops from the cable to the needle by hand. Very annoying to say the least.
I "broke down" and went to the only REAL yarn store in town. This did not take much convincing. I love my LYS. It always has new things for me to touch. I wish they had a better/larger selection of sock yarn, but again, I digress. Prior to going into the store, I called my little sister who agreed with me on the needle thing and wished me luck. I even went so far as to tell myself I am only going in for needles, NOTHING ELSE. Maybe it was my going solo, maybe it was the thought of my tax return coming in, maybe I was low on blood sugar. I don't know, it doesn't matter at this point. What I do know is, I went in for needles and came out with two addi TURBO circular needles and a ball of yarn. Many of you would say big deal. She only bought one ball. How much harm could it do? I often say this myself to rationalize the purchase. However, this only makes sense when I purchase cotton yarn for washcloths. Not $19 balls of sock yarn. Thats right, I said $19! What was I thinking?!?! I think the yarn lady has some halloucinegenic air freshner or something. I couldn't resist. The colors were so pretty. I vowed after the purchase I would not buy any more yarn in March. Granted, it was the 31st and towards the end of the day but I need to set realistic goals. Hubby even laughed when I told him I was vowing not to purchase yarn in April. He knows me all to well. Remind me to take pics of my yarn stash and you will see what I mean. Anyhoo, I give you my most expensive yarn purchase to date...
Pretty yarn spun with gold,
Which I like to hug and hold.